Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Foie Gras Lollipops at The Bazaar

As much as I love foie gras, it is a luxury to be enjoyed sparingly (for the sake of both wallet and health). So, I was delighted to find a foie gras "lollipop" featured on the menu at The Bazaar by Jose Andres. It's a fluffy ball of vanilla cotton candy on a stick with a slightly chilled cube of rich foie gras in the center. If you like foie gras, trust me, it is absolutely delicious and a very surprising flavor combination! Five bucks for a dose of luscious foie gras goodness? Totally worth it.


  1. delightful.

  2. Hey, Little Luxuries regarding the Lanvin coat, I would say they are generous sizes, I bought the UK 12 (I am usually a 10) and as you can see it is big on me but I knew I would want to layer big sweaters and blazers under it. Depending on what you would wear it over I would go true to size, but if you only wanted to wear a dress under it you could get away with a size smaller than you usually would incase you are having trouble tracking one down on ebay.
    I also tried on the short fur jacket and that was generous in size too. Pearl XX
