Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Foie Gras Lollipops at The Bazaar

As much as I love foie gras, it is a luxury to be enjoyed sparingly (for the sake of both wallet and health). So, I was delighted to find a foie gras "lollipop" featured on the menu at The Bazaar by Jose Andres. It's a fluffy ball of vanilla cotton candy on a stick with a slightly chilled cube of rich foie gras in the center. If you like foie gras, trust me, it is absolutely delicious and a very surprising flavor combination! Five bucks for a dose of luscious foie gras goodness? Totally worth it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Stila’s Cherry Crush vs Nivea Tinted Lip Balm

When Stila's Cherry Crush Lip & Cheek Stain was introduced, I immediately added it to my list of beauty products to try/buy. And buy it I did; $24 at Sephora (aka my happy place). With makeup, it's the packaging that gets me every time, and Stila knows how to package. I hate to say it, but I was underwhelmed by the stain. Too sheer, not enough control with the applicator, and wore off too quickly. And so it's been replaced by a haphazzard drugstore find: NIVEA A Kiss of Flavor Cherry Tinted Lip Care. It's like a cherry chap stick, but far better. It has a subtle cherry scent, moisturizes lips like crazy, and best of all, it gives me that just-ate-a-cherry-popsicle stain that I'm looking for. And it and only costs $2 and change. A great drugstore find!